Do you see the quality of clean water in your pool is somehow reduced and the water is almost stagnated? Do you also see dirt, flower petals, oil, leaves, and dead insects?
You are required to maintain your swimming pool whenever you start observing the debris, algae, dust particles, and poor water circulation. The stagnate water within the pool is an indication that you now require Pool Maintenance.
The water circulatory system within the entire pool is the main component where the technological equipment and tools are demanding regular maintenance.
Swimming Pool Maintenance for Beginners
The functioning of any pool is highly dependent upon the water suction pump, water skimmer, water filters, and water delivery jets. These tools function in a cycle to maintain the quality and the regular circulation of water in the pool.
- Buy a manual hand Skimmer, it is required to skim off the surface visible debris even before it gets into the pool system.

Manual Cleaning
don’t allow the debris to get sunk deeper into the pool, and each day or weekly try to manually clean the pool against your seasonal professional maintenance, as this will help keep the quality and freshness of your pool.
Keep Pool walls shining
Maintain them daily by brushing up the sediments, algae, and debris adjoined over the walls, ladders, and sliders of the pool.
Choose an Automatic Vacuum Pump
you have it installed within your pool system however, to externally apply the cleaning other than seasonal maintenance, you need to use the automatic or manual vacuum pump. Automatic Pumps are preferable considering the bigger size of your pool.
Check out the Skimmer
It is however not the primary tool but the most important tool in the entire filtration system. Regular checkout of the collected debris over the skimmer would minimize the function of the skimmer. Make sure the water level of the pool is sufficient to let the skimmer be operated at optimum efficiency.
Lubricating the Pump, Filters, and Backwash
sufficient lubrication is required to function efficiently for the pump, filters, and Backwash. Keep your ears upon the vibrational sounds of the entire filtration system during its operations. You would quickly get a glance at whether its frictional noise asking for lubricants or a fault lies due to gathered debris within the system.
Chemistry of Your Pool Water
It is equally significant to regularly measure certain chemistry elemental values in your pool water such as pH value and Alkalinity. The ideal meter for your pool water health is a 7.4 to 7.6 pH level and 100 to 150 PPM (parts per million) Alkalinity.
Sanitizing the Pool Water
The track of the freshness in your pool water can also be ensured by injecting qualitative pool water sanitizers available in the market in different sizes and brands. The PPM regulation of chlorine, bromine, and salt water can be maintained by timely measures and control.
Daily Pump Run
set the timer for the pump in the filtration system to run automatically without the need to switch it on at least for 8 to 12 hours every day whenever you plan to leave for the vacation.
You can split the operation time although the existing pump doesn’t have an automatic run timer, your investment there will be worth enough to maintain the system in your absence.
How to Manage Your Pool in-ground Maintenance?
Start with the seasonal professional pool water maintenance, you cannot opt out of this since the inground maintenance of the pool is not an easy task. Also, the maintenance of the pool is a little bit high for the average family. But you can purchase buy now pay later swimming pools so you have enough money for maintenance.

Here are some methods you must consider on the go while in-ground maintenance of your swimming pool.
Lighting Arrangement
They play a role in attracting insects, the high-watt bulbs are more welcoming to harmful microorganisms. Ultra Violet rays coming from these bulbs create high pressure vapor damaging the water chemistry in favor of these insects.
Position the lighting in a way that is directed towards the pool water underground and at least 35 feet beneath the surface of the pool water and make sure they are low watts yet provide adequate lighting in the pool water.
Brushing before Vacuum
This will save you from the short routes of pool water cleaning, the inside walls of the pools suffer growing algae, molds, and bugs. When you brush the walls, the proper cleaning can be imposed even before you apply the vacuum tools that don’t justify the wall cleaning specifically.
The walls, along with ladders, and sliders deployed within the pool system acts as major supporting agents for those organic and inorganic materials. Regular surface cleaning of these components would help you set your pool water management schedules.
Periodic Filter Cleaning
This should not go surprising that 90 % of the pool water quality is maintained by the filters installed within the pool.
There are different types of filters though, such as a cartridge, sand, and diatomaceous earth. Frequent filter cleaning crossing the limit per filter is not always good as the dust particles also plays the role in restricting the entrance of more dust into the system.
How to Manage your Pool off-ground Maintenance?
The off-ground or above-ground maintenance is an easy deal to regularly keep track of the visible elements affected right from the ground. Certain methods you can apply to engage with above-ground pool maintenance.

It is the process of skim off the debris you often encounter above the surface of the water or beneath till the point it is visible, the target is to get rid of all these dirt, leaves, insects, flower palates, and waste metals floating over the pool water.
Shock Treatment
The method to kill the organism in the pool water which are damaging the water chemistry. The organic materials present in the pool water react with other particles in the water and create a chemical imbalance in the water.
Adding Chemicals
The pH level of the water, the Chlorination level in the water, and the amount of salt present in the water all play a crucial role in the system. We add them to make a rich alignment with certain chemicals already existing in the pool water. The chemically balanced pool water would enhance the total freshness and bring a shining swimming experience.
The proper arrangement of tools and equipment within your pool system as well as the consistent efforts in setting up the regular check-up and track measurements would help you design high-end maintenance schedules and planning for your Swimming Pools.